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Accessing Rapp at Home Forums

Using Rapp at Home Forums
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To fully access Forums you must first be registered as a Friend of Rapp at Home and then log in so that you can opt into the Forums program and set your personal preferences. We have different forums that share jokes and humor, gardening information, cooking and eating out, movies, and others.

A forum is a way for friends to share email messages with a group of people who have an interest in the forum topic and who choose to participate in the forum. Friends can send emails to everyone in the forum and reply to everyone. In addition a forum can have multiple threads of messages on different topics. And, on the Rapp at Home web site, from the Activities tab in the banner across the top of the page, you can select Forums, to see all of the email messages related to your forums, organized by thread. You don’t necessarily have to receive forum emails. Forum messages can be read online in the web site.

Once you log in to the Rapp at Home website click Activities from the blue menu bar and then go to Forums. In the upper right area, click the button that says My Forum Memberships. If you belong to any forums they will then be listed. At the bottom of the list will be another list called Available Forums. Click the green button to the far right of the forum name to join the forum and begin receiving messages. Once you click the green button your page will refresh and show that you are now a member of the forum you selected.

To the right of information about that forum is a pencil icon. Click on the pencil to set numerous options about receiving forum messages. The most important to check are the box that says "Send Forum Messages To Me Via Email" and to check the box that says "Rich Formatting in the Body of the Email." The first box will ensure that you receive forum messages in your email (rather than having to check the web site under forums, although if you get too many emails this may not be your preference) and the second box will ensure that formatting and images will be properly displayed in your email.

You should also go to the top right of the web page, click your name, then profile, then Forum General Preferences. On this page check the boxes Send Email and Rich Text Format, then scroll to the bottom and click save.

This is pretty complicated. If you’d like help call our office and we’ll be sure to have someone get back to walk you through this process.

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