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Rapp at Home Guidelines for Outdoor Events


At this time during the Covid-19 pandemic, Rapp at Home does not recommend indoor events. For outdoor events our policy is as follows. The board of Rapp at Home may revisit this policy as the pandemic situation changes.

  • We should remember we serve a particularly vulnerable population.
  • Everyone should wear a mask at all times; event planners should have extra masks on hand if people come without their own.
  • Maintain at least 6 feet of distance from each other at all times.
  • If the event is a tour, planners need to have people tasked to remind everyone to maintain distance - it's hard, especially when people want to be sure to hear a speaker.
  • Serve only prepackaged food, in individual servings, well spaced on tables.
  • Rapp at Home should provide a "server" if needed, who is wearing a mask and gloves, to give people plates, or to pour refreshments.
  • Ask people to be extra careful about keeping their distance while eating or drinking, and to put their mask back on after finishing.
  • Provide hand sanitizer.
  • If seating is planned, chairs should be spaced 6 feet apart.
  • If people attend who are sharing a bubble, of course they may sit together.
  • If the event requires guests to bring chairs, planners should direct the placement, or mark spots with chalk to ensure safe spacing.
  • And remember, frequent hand washing!